Today, I woke up in a very different Europe.

For those of you who may be confused about what this “Brexit” thing is, or why the heck everyone is losing their cool over it – that’s totally cool and fair and I GET IT. Not everyone is captivated by world politics, nor are they easy to understand – our world systems are infinitely complex. I’ve been studying politics in Europe for the last 6 … Continue reading Today, I woke up in a very different Europe.

Nearing the finish line

I am now more than halfway through my exchange semester in Brussels, nearing final classes and exams now! It’s totally wild. School is really tough, and yet I’m finally settling into a social life here and sometimes that’s all I can think about. Time to put my genius cap on! Across the ocean, my relationships with loved ones have changed, as has my relationship with myself. … Continue reading Nearing the finish line

The world could potentially be my oyster…

As an iBA (international bachelor of arts) student, I’m required to spend at least one semester abroad as part of my degree.  Last week, the process for exchanges opened up – WOOHOO! York International and the Glendon Exchange department came to present us with the application process, requirements, and the possible locations and schools we could study at.  Needless to say, I’ve spent many hours … Continue reading The world could potentially be my oyster…